About – Actual Security Problems in the Technosphere


The scientific and analytical journal «Actual Security Problems in the Technosphere» is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published since 2021. The journal is presented by the online version of fully open access.

Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor): Certificate of Registration of the Mass Media: EL FS77-80322 of 17 February 2021.

The Journal publishes original scientific reports and reviews devoted to scientific research in the field of the development of the unified state system of disaster management (USSDM), civil defense (CD), health and safety, Education, informatics and management.

There is no charge for reviewing and publishing articles.

The journal reviews and accepts for publication scientific reports in the form of articles and reviews on the following directions of research:

Publishing house: Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy» of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Civil Defense of the Russian Federation, emergency situations and disaster management».

Founder: Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of higher education «Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy» of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Civil Defense of the Russian Federation, emergency situations and disaster management». Address: 1, Severnaya street, Zheleznogorsk town, 662972,  Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia.

Chief Editor: Martinovich Nikolay Viktorovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Applied Research and Innovative Technologies of Scientific and Technical Center of Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of Emercom of Russia.

Address of editorial office: 1, Severnaya street, Zheleznogorsk town, 662972,  Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia.
Telephone number: (3919) 73-54-05.
E-mail: apbt@sibpsa.ru