For publication of scientific article authors send to e-mail the editorial office of the Journal ( manuscript of articles in the format «.docx» or «.rtf» and used in the article graphic (illustrative) materials in the form of separate files in the format «.tif», «.png» or «.jpg»with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
At the request of the authors, the materials may be accompanied by a review from a specialist of the relevant profile, who has a degree and is not an employee of one of the authors. The signature of the reviewer must be certified at the place of work of the reviewer. The presence of the review does not cancel the procedure of sending materials for review by the editorial board of the Journal.
1. The text of the material should follow the following sequence:
- UDC index - universal decimal classification (should correspond to the stated topic);
- initials and surnames of the author(s) indicating the degree and academic title in Russian (if available);
- the title of the author’s work place in Russian (if several organizations are specified for one or more authors, the number (superscript) is placed after the surname and before the name of the organization;
- information specified in accordance with sub-paragraph «g» and «d» are duplicated in English;
- title of publication in Russian language;
- annotation in Russian (500-1000 printed characters with spaces) under the heading «Abstract». The abstract provides a brief description of the scientific article in terms of its purpose, content, type, shape and other features. The abstract should provide the reader with an opportunity to establish the main content of the scientific article, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to its full text;
- key words in Russian (about 5-7 words: basic general scientific terms or terms on the research profile, ordered from the most general to the specific, corresponding description of the study) under the heading «Keywords»;
- Title of publication in English;
- annotation in English under the heading «Abstract» (inconsistency between Russian and English annotation is not allowed);
- keywords in English under the heading «Keywords»;
- text of the article (main part);
- list of used sources in Russian under the heading «Literature»;
- contact details of the author with whom the editorial office of the Journal should correspond (e-mail, telephone number).
2. The text of the material should be executed in the Microsoft Word editor and saved with the extension. docx or .rtf. Page format – A4 (book), fields – 2 cm from all sides, paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm, alignment – width, font – Times New Roman, pin – 14, interline interval – half-torn, page numbering at the bottom of the middle. Compacting intervals and using sub-links is prohibited.
3. The volume of article including drawings and signatures to them, the list of literature, should be from 8 to 15 typewritten pages. The publication of other volumes is decided upon in consultation with the editorial board of the Journal.
4. The graphic material should be designed in the following way:
- the drawings should be selected separately block for ease of transfer in the text or inserted from a file made in any of the common graphics editors (it is forbidden to place in the text schematics, drawings, etc. made with the use of Microsoft Word figures), below the figure: Figure 2. and then follow the explanation. The signature of the drawings is done in an inclined font (italic);
- if there is more than one table in the text, they should be numbered (first written: Table 2, in the same row the title of the table in bold, and then the table itself);
- tables should have «vertical» construction;
- in the text, references to tables and figures are as follows: Figure 2, table 4, if only one figure or one table, the word is written in its entirety: table, figure (references to graphic and table materials are mandatory).
- every formula must be created using the Microsoft Equation component, the font size is equivalent to 14 (Times New Roman), the placement of formula in the form of figures is not allowed;
- the use of Latin and Greek alphabets is recommended in formulas (italics);
- formula are printed in the center, number at the right page field (only the formulas mentioned in the text should be numbered).
6. The list of literature is a bibliographic list with a single numbering of the literature used, is in accordance with the requirements of GOST P 7.0.5. 2008-«State Standard. Russian National Standard. System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation».
The list of literature should contain bibliographic information about all publications mentioned in the article and not contain works to which the text does not refer, or they do not correspond to the stated topic.
The sources in the list are arranged in the order of their first mention in the text. The numbering of records through the whole list. Translation of Russian sources into other languages and division of the list into source categories is not allowed, numbering should be uniform.
References to the literature indicated in the text are given in square brackets: [1] and if the text refers to more than one source, the semicolon [1; 2]. In the case of direct quotation (in quotation marks) the source page numbers shall be specified, for example [1, c.3]. All numbers and data in the text should have source references. Footnotes are not allowed.
- text for publication in the Journal are accepted from authors within a calendar year without restriction, but in one issue of the Journal can be published no more than two articles by one author;
- articles are published in order of priority after receiving the positive opinion of the reviewer on the possibility of publication (in some cases, by the decision of the Chief Editor, may be published out of turn, in the nearest issue of the journal);
- during 2 months authors should to remove the comments and wishes of the reviewer from the moment they are sent by the editorial office of the Journal to the author;
- materials not recommended by the reviewer for publication are not accepted for reconsideration.