Без рубрики – Actual Security Problems in the Technosphere

Без рубрики

Number 14

Cover, editorial board, content Analysis of approaches to determining the fire safety category Osipov D.S. Link to cite this article / Download .pdf Ссылка для цитирования статьиЗакрыть link… Скопировать в буфер Modern organizational structure of interaction between the local fire and rescue garrison and the municipality Steblyansky L.N. Link to…

Number 13

Cover, editorial board, content Analysis of the prospects for the development of EDDS of municipalities Steblyansky L.N. Link to cite this article / Download .pdf Ссылка для цитирования статьиЗакрыть link… Скопировать в буфер Analytical substantiation of the necessity of experimental determination of hydraulic resistances of fire three-way branches and transition…

Number 12

Cover, editorial board, content Critical analysis of technical solutions (extractors) designed for rapid opening and disassembly of building structures fixed with various types of screws at the fire extinguishing site Pogoreltsev M.V., Kurtov S.O., Maliy V.P. Link to cite this article / Download .pdf Ссылка для цитирования статьиЗакрыть link… Скопировать…

Number 11

Cover, editorial board, content Development of an event to reduce the likelihood of an emergency at an object of protection Kokorev N.M. Link to cite this article / Download .pdf Link to cite the articleClose link… Copy Development of ecological safety comprehensive system of solid municipal waste management in the…

Number 10

Cover, editorial board, content Development of an event to reduce the likelihood of an emergency at an object of protection Shamil R. Yultiev Link to cite this article / Download .pdf Link to cite the articleClose link… Copy Determination of some parameters of the fire protection system on the example…

Number 9

Cover, editorial board, content Development of an active option for extinguishing a fire in the tank RVS 20000No. 11 with aviation fuel (TS-1) of the Achinsk Oil Refinery Sergey N. Schneider, Andrey N. Minkin Link to cite the article / Скачать статью Link to cite the articleЗакрыть link… Copy Features…